Monitoring & Security updates
It is always good to know that your alarm system is working properly. Egardia checks the correct operation every second, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In addition, Egardia engineers monitor continuously whether the latest standards in IT security have been implemented.

Always connected
All wireless Egardia sensors use the protected 868MHz frequency reserved for professional wireless security and care systems. This ensures that the wireless connection is free of interference and always stable, even at long range. In addition all connections are monitored around the clock. Egardia warns you in case of tampering or a loss of signal. The status of all sensors can also be checked at any time in the Egardia App.

No battery hassle
All Egardia sensors are equipped with advanced battery management technology and are supplied with long life batteries. This ensures an average battery life time of three years. The battery status is monitored 24/7. In case a battery is about to run out the Online Alarm Center of Egardia proactively informs you. You will then have a month to replace it. As soon as the battery is completely empty, Egardia sends a warning message. The status of all batteries can be checked at any time in the Egardia App. All batteries are available in the Egardia webshop.

Fully monitored internet connection
The Egardia Alarm system is able to use any residential Internet connection. To make sure everything is working properly Egardia tests your Internet connection proactively every second of the day. In case the Internet connection disconnects, the Online Alarm Center of Egardia will warn you by e-mail, telephone or SMS text message. In order to avoid false warnings Egardia has developed an algorithm that distinguishes between suspicious malfunctions and regular down time due to maintenance by your Internet service provider.

Power outage? No problem!
The Egardia Online Alarm Center will notify you when a power failure occurs. The Egardia Alarm system remains on the lookout for up to 8 hours using its built in rechargeable battery pack. Even if the power outage affects your internet connection, the siren will still sound in case of an alarm. In addition all events will be stored and shared as soon as the Internet connection is back online.

Always secure and up to date
The Egardia team is dedicated to ensure the security of your data and the reliability of your alarm system. That is why software updates are offered on a regular basis. These updates include security improvements based on the latest technologies, performance enhancements and new functionalities. The cloud software of the Egardia Online Alarm Center is hosted in Europe within the secured KPN data center in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The KPN data center is ISO-27001 certified by an independent information security inspection authority. Egardia fully complies with the GPDR (European Privacy Act).

Zero hassle maintenance
Egardia's guided maintenance ensures the Egardia Alarm system is always in top condition with zero hassle. The Online Alarm Center proactively instructs you when maintenance is required. This includes battery replacement instructions, wireless connection check-ups and software updates.